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If everyones happy... you're doing it wrong

Naturally as human beings we love to be validated and heard. We strive to please those around us as it gives us a strong sense on belonging and comfort. When this happens we generally draw towards the crowds that make us feel this sense of validity. A lot of us try hard to ''fit in''. Criticism isn't nice, and nobody likes to be told that they're doing it wrong, especially when you've been putting time and effort into your craft for a long period of time.....

But here's the thing! Let's say you're a top sportsman or popular rapper earning big money, but you've had a relatively smooth journey on your way to the top. Your at a place where you want to make decisions for yourself that may be different from the norm but you aren't too sure because of the reception it will get from the people around you. Now, although this decision is risky, you may have given it some time and your sure that deep down you want to go ahead with it..but the only thing holding you back is your attachment to the thoughts that others may have...

Usually this line of thinking leads a majority of us to put the gears in reverse as we drive our car of risky ideas back into the safe driveway alongside all of our other bags of risky hopes and dreams. After all, no risk no danger right? Also, the people around me won't have anything bad to say if I don't give them the chance to criticize it. But thats not the way to think! First of risk, NO REWARD. Now i'm not saying you need to entertain every idea that comes across your mind on a random day, but I am saying that if the primary reason for you not persuing something important to you is based on how other people may percieve it, then you need to re-evaluate and analyse this thing called 'people'. What you may come to find is that a lot of people are scared themselves on taking on such spontaneous, extraordinary ideas. They themselves are wrapped up in a cotton of doubt and therefore throw jealousy, anger and hate towards the person who actually has taken the same risk that they were procastinating over.


Although the love and support around you amongst your supporters may feel genuine (some of it probably is) you have to understand that some may want your position, and others love conditionally (meaning the minute you make a wrong move or questionable decision the so-called love vanishes quickly). It is because of this that you have to make decisions for YOURSELF. Now, we all know about 'cancel culture' and we have seen how even the most popular celebrities and influencers have been dragged and humiliated in the gloomy spotlight of social media because they made a comment or behaved in a certain way. Their followers can turn on them INSTANTLY. So for you to base your whole decision on other people who don't necessarily have your best interests, you will always be chasing what makes other people happy instead of yourself...

Note to self, be true to self.

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